Welcome to Tarporley Pre-School

It is out intent that all children who attend Tarporley pre-school achieve their full potential as individuals

Home Learning

Here at Tarporley Pre-school we recognise that parents know their children best and that by linking up learning between the home environment and school we will help children to succeed and achieve the best outcomes.

Helpful documents:

There are many ways we promote home linked learning to include:

Donald the Pre-School Bear

Donald is our pre-school mascot and will often found visiting the children’s home. Donald will stay overnight or could even go on holiday with you to share any adventures you have.

We encourage the children to draw, take photos and supply a narrative of exciting things they have shared with Donald supported by parents and carers, this is a great talking point and the children can often be found looking at the book independently sharing memories. Key carers will take observations from the book and link them to your child’s development and next steps in learning.

Home Learning Packs

These are packs that the children can take home that are full of suggested activities for the children to take part in with their family. As the activities are completed the parents or carers complete the associated observation sheets and return them to Pre-school, the staff will then create an observation and link it to the EYFS, before placing the sheet in the child’s Scrap book and noting the next steps in your child’s learning.


Wellcomm is a speech and language assessment tool we use that allows practitioners to pinpoint where any support is needed and how to implement this support. The assessments are shared with the parents and carers and activities relating to your child’s stage of development are provided. The activities have a “step up” suggestion to challenge your child as well as a “step down” activity if they need more support.


This is our online system we use to develop a learning journey to celebrate your child’s time at pre-school. You may receive daily diaries or observations that will link to areas your key carer is currently working on with your child in session. Parents can add their own notes or observations which allow practitioners to plan more effectively and ensure children progress towards outcomes.


We operate a library where the children can select a book to take home and share with parents and carers, they return the book and we then recall the stories within group time. As well as the lending library we have a selection of books that the children can take home and keep located in the entrance hall – feel free to access this service whenever your child wants.

Home Visits

Home visits are offered if you feel you require one please speak to the Manager or your key carer. We have found these beneficial when developing consistency with behaviour strategies between home and setting as well, as being a good tool to settle children that are needing a little more support to settle into pre-school life.


We use face book to share any current Government incentives relating to the Early Years. This could be regarding health or educational issues that we are facing. We also share information regarding the benefit of different types of play and what stage is development appropriate for early year